Wallabag “is a self hostable application for saving web pages”

CapRover “is an extremely easy to use app/database deployment & web server manager”

This is a quick and dirty setup for testing Wallabag (without full database or redis, or email, etc).

5m setup

  1. Setup new app with persistent data enabled in CapRover
  2. In App Configs add the environmental variable SYMFONY__ENV__DOMAIN_NAME and set it to the full URL of where you want Wallabag. e.g. https://wallabag.rover.example.com
  3. Add two persistent directories ofr /var/www/wallabag/data/ and /var/www/wallabag/web/assets/images/
  4. In the deployment tab scroll down to method 4 and enter: FROM wallabag/wallabag and deploy
  5. In 30s Wallabag should be available at https://wallabag.rover.example.com
  6. Default login is wallabag / wallabag so you probably want to go change that

Example App Configs


  • No CSS or images: Need to make sure SYMFONY__ENV__DOMAIN_NAME points to the full URL including protocol. e.g. https://wallabag.rover.example.com
  • 502 error: Log into to server and check Docket logs. e.g. `
    • docker service logs srv-captain--wallabag --follow or
    • docker service ps srv-captain--wallabag --no-trunc