qpsmon v0.1
This is a simple script that will print the average qps (using a specified period) for one or more MySQL databases. If doesn’t have many practical uses, but it’s fun to watch when running large imports or exports.
qpsmon.php v0.1
This is an (extremely) simple script that will get the average
number of queries/second for several MySQL databases.
Example Output:
qpsmon v0.1
Sample size 120 seconds. [60 times every 2 seconds]
Margaret 176 qps
Yarra 11 qps
Murray 1066 qps
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
define('NUMBER_SAMPLES', 60); // Number of samples to keep
define('PEROID_LENGTH', 2); // How often (in seconds) to take a simple
define('AUTO_CLEAR', true); // Automatically clear the screen each refresh
define('PROGRAM_NAME', 'qpsmon');
define('PROGRAM_VERSION', '0.1');
$databases = array
// Define you MySQL databases here. E.G.
'My Server' => new MysqlConn('localhost', 'username', 'password', MysqlConn::MYSQL_VERSION_5),
class LimBuffer
private $maxSize;
private $buffer = array();
public function __construct($maxSize = 20)
$this->maxSize = $maxSize;
public function add($v)
$this->buffer[] = $v;
if(count($this->buffer) > $this->maxSize)
$this->buffer = array_slice($this->buffer, -$this->maxSize);
public function get()
return $this->buffer;
public function first()
return $this->buffer[0];
public function last()
return $this->buffer[count($this->buffer) - 1];
class MysqlConn
const MYSQL_VERSION_4 = 1010;
const MYSQL_VERSION_5 = 2020;
private $host;
private $username;
private $password;
private $mysqlVersion;
private $conn = false;
public function __construct($host, $username, $password, $mysqlVersion = self::MYSQL_VERSION_5)
if(!in_array($mysqlVersion, array(self::MYSQL_VERSION_4, self::MYSQL_VERSION_5)))
die("Invalid mysql version specified\n");
$this->host = $host;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->mysqlVersion = $mysqlVersion;
public function getQueryCount()
$sql = ($this->mysqlVersion == self::MYSQL_VERSION_4) ? ' SHOW STATUS' : 'SHOW GLOBAL STATUS';
$query = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn);
while(($row = mysql_fetch_row($query)) !== false)
if($row[0] == 'Questions')
return $row[1];
return 0;
private function connect()
$this->conn = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->username, $this->password, true);
function printHeader()
printf("%s v%s\n", PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_VERSION);
printf("Sample size %d seconds. [%d times every %d seconds]\n", NUMBER_SAMPLES * PEROID_LENGTH, NUMBER_SAMPLES, PEROID_LENGTH);
// For nicer formatting, here we get the maximum length of the
// databases names.
$maxDatabaseNameSize = 0;
foreach($databases as $name => $connection)
$maxDatabaseNameSize = (strlen($name) > $maxDatabaseNameSize) ? strlen($name) : $maxDatabaseNameSize;
// Our main loop
$stats = array();
foreach($databases as $name => $connection)
// First time round we need to init our stats array with
// a new Limit buffer with the correct sample size
$stats[$name] = new LimBuffer(NUMBER_SAMPLES);
// Add a new item, with the current time, and the total number
// of queries
$stats[$name]->add(array('time' => time(), 'count' => $connection->getQueryCount()));
// No point doing anything on the first run through
// Abusing scope here: $name is the from the last loop for the for statement above
if(count($stats[$name]->get()) == 1)
foreach($stats as $name => $stat)
$first = $stat->first();
$last = $stat->last();
$period = $last['time'] - $first['time'];
$queryCount = $last['count'] - $first['count'];
$qps = $queryCount / ($period == 0 ? 1 : $period);
printf(" %{$maxDatabaseNameSize}s %5d qps\n", $name, $qps);
// Warn the user that we have yet to fill up out buffer
if(count($stats[$name]->get()) != NUMBER_SAMPLES)
printf("Warming up...\n");