Wallabag + CapRover in 5m

Wallabag “is a self hostable application for saving web pages”

CapRover “is an extremely easy to use app/database deployment & web server manager”

This is a quick and dirty setup for testing Wallabag (without full database or redis, or email, etc).

5m setup

  1. Setup new app with persistent data enabled in CapRover
  2. In App Configs add the environmental variable SYMFONY__ENV__DOMAIN_NAME and set it to the full URL of where you want Wallabag. e.g. https://wallabag.rover.example.com
  3. Add two persistent directories ofr /var/www/wallabag/data/ and /var/www/wallabag/web/assets/images/
  4. In the deployment tab scroll down to method 4 and enter: FROM wallabag/wallabag and deploy
  5. In 30s Wallabag should be available at https://wallabag.rover.example.com
  6. Default login is wallabag / wallabag so you probably want to go change that

Example App Configs


  • No CSS or images: Need to make sure SYMFONY__ENV__DOMAIN_NAME points to the full URL including protocol. e.g. https://wallabag.rover.example.com
  • 502 error: Log into to server and check Docket logs. e.g. `
    • docker service logs srv-captain--wallabag --follow or
    • docker service ps srv-captain--wallabag --no-trunc

Posted on

Download steam images

Little Python program to download your images from your Steam gallery.

For each file it just downloads the images by its id and attempts to include some meta data about the image in a separate json file. For example:

{"Id": 1474149818, "Game": "Crypt of the NecroDancer", "Desc": "Bat out of hell", "Url": "https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/974353539926239721/3591AA940A42F9217105C02EEA90190796893CED/"}

Code uses requests and has been tested with Python 3.7 on Windows.

import requests
import re
from pathlib import Path
import json
from typing import List

# Because I'm lazy and probably the only person to ever run this
STEAM_ID = 'Ardren'
DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY = r'c:\Users\Matthewd\Dropbox\Screenshots-Steam'

def scan_gallery(username):
    file_ids = []
    page = 1

    while True:
        url = f"https://steamcommunity.com/id/{username}/screenshots/?p={page}&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=grid&privacy=14"
        r = requests.get(url)

        matches = list(re.finditer(r'<a href="https://steamcommunity\.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/\?id=(\d+)"', r.text))

        if len(matches) == 0:
            print(f"No more files found on page {page}")

        print(f"Found {len(matches)} images on page {page}")

        for match in matches:

        page += 1

    return file_ids

def download_file_ids(base_directory: Path, file_ids: List[int]):
    for file_id in file_ids:

        download_filename = base_directory / f"{file_id}.jpeg"
        metadata_filename = base_directory / f"{file_id}.json"

        if download_filename.exists():
            print(f"Already downloaded {download_filename}")

        url = f"https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id={file_id}"
        r = requests.get(url)

        match = re.search('<a href="(https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/[^/]+/[^/]+/)" target=', r.text)
        if match is None:
            print(f"Unable to find image_src for file_id {file_id}")

        create_metadata(metadata_filename, file_id, r.text)

        with download_filename.open('wb+') as f:
            r = requests.get(match.group(1))
            bytes_written = f.write(r.content)
            print(f"Downloaded {bytes_written} bytes to {download_filename}")

def create_metadata(metadata_filename: Path, file_id: int, html_detail_contents: str):
    game_name_match = re.search('<h3 class="ellipsis apphub_responsive_menu_title">([^<]+)</h3>', html_detail_contents)
    game_desc_match = re.search('<textarea class="descField" name="description" id="description" class="dynInput" maxlength="140">([^<]*)</textarea>', html_detail_contents)
    image_url_match = re.search('<a href="(https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/[^/]+/[^/]+/)" target="_blank">', html_detail_contents)

    data = {
        'Id': file_id,
        'Game': game_name_match.group(1),
        'Desc': game_desc_match.group(1),
        'Url': image_url_match.group(1)

    with metadata_filename.open('w+') as f:
        json.dump(data, f)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    download_file_ids(Path(DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY), scan_gallery(STEAM_ID))

Posted on

Website update

Hey look, HTTPS and colors

Edit: and block-quotes, and tables, and responsive images, and page titles

Posted on

Website back up

Website back up today after long period of down time.

I think I would like to go back to recording things I do.

Even if they are small and useless, I think it would be heathy for me.

Posted on

TP-Link TD-W8961N

  • Product Link
  • Don’t buy one
  • If you’re too lazy to replace it, and you want to monitor your ADSL stats when it rains…


import telnetlib
import re
import time

class TPW8961N(object):

    def __init__(self, host):
        self.host = host

    def __enter__(self):
        self.con = telnetlib.Telnet(self.host, 23, 5)
        self.con.read_until('Password: ')
        self.con.read_until('TP-LINK> ')
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def send_cmd(self, cmd):
        self.con.write(cmd.get_cmd() + '\n')
        response = self.con.read_until('TP-LINK> ')
        return cmd.parse(response)

class Command(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def get_cmd(self):

    def parse(self, string):

class StatusCommand(Command):
    def get_cmd(self):
        return 'wan adsl status'

    def parse(self, response):
        match = re.search('current modem status: (.*?)\r\n', response)
        if match is not None and match.group(1) == 'up':
            return 'up'
            return 'down'

class RateCommand(Command):
    def get_cmd(self):
        return 'wan adsl c'

    def parse(self, response):
        dl_match = re.search('near-end interleaved channel bit rate: (.*?) kbps\r\n', response)
        ul_match = re.search('far-end interleaved channel bit rate: (.*?) kbps\r\n', response)

        if dl_match is None or ul_match is None:
            return {'dl_rate': 0, 'ul_rate': 0}

        return {'dl_rate': int(dl_match.group(1)), 'ul_rate': int(ul_match.group(1))}

class QualityCommand(Command):
    def __init__(self, direction):
        if direction not in ['downstream', 'upstream']:
            raise Exception('Unknown direction, must be "downstream" or "upstream"')
        self.direction = direction
        super(Command, self).__init__()

    def get_cmd(self):
        if self.direction == 'downstream':
            return 'wan adsl l n'
        return 'wan adsl l f'

    def parse(self, response):
        noise_match = re.search('noise margin ' + self.direction + ': (.*?) db\r\n', response)
        attenuation_match = re.search('attenuation ' + self.direction + ': (.*?) db\r\n', response)

        if noise_match is None or attenuation_match is None:
            return {'noise': 0.0, 'attenuation': 0.0}

        return {'noise': float(noise_match.group(1)), 'attenuation': float(attenuation_match.group(1))}

if __name__ == '__main__':

    while True:
            print time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M-%S')
            with TPW8961N('') as modem:
                print modem.send_cmd(StatusCommand())
                print modem.send_cmd(RateCommand())
                print modem.send_cmd(QualityCommand('downstream'))
                print modem.send_cmd(QualityCommand('upstream'))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except e:
            print e

Posted on

Picking a Practice Lock

I bought a transparent practice lock (5 pin with spools) from Massdrop a while ago, and thanks to some procrastinating had a proper go at it today. While it is just a practice lock, I struggled judging the correct tension when dealing with false sets, and the whole process felt more delicate than a basic lock. I feel like I might have given up on a standard lock before understanding how the lock behaved and why. Still, I need much, much more practice.

(Massdrop is running another drop for it now)

Posted on

KBT Pure Pro 60% Keyboard Layout

There’s not that much information about the (Vortex) KBT Pure Pro keyboard on the internet so I thought I’d add my notes here.

  1.5 1x12 1.5
  1.75 1x11 2.25
  2 1x13
  1.25 1x2 1.25 4.5 1x6

(1 unit = 0.75" or about 19mm)
Notable weird key sizes:
  \          1
  Backspace  1
  Del        1.5
  L Shift    2
  R Shift    1
  R Ctrl     1
  System     1
  Space      4.5
  R Alt      1

I’ve been playing with using Lua to generate parts of my wiki pages, below is the code to generate a simple SVG of the Pure Pro’s layout.



local tag = doku.xml_tag

local unit = 19*2  -- Unit size, mapped straight to pixels
local space = 4    -- Spacing between keys (as pixels again)

local halfspace = space/2
local doublespace = space*2

local fontsize = 10

local layout = {
  {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
  {1.5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.5},
  {1.75, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2.25},
  {2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
  {1.25, 1, 1, 1.25, 4.5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}

local keys = {
  {'esc', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', '\\', 'BS'},
  {'tab', 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p', '[', ']', 'del'},
  {'caps', 'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k',' l', ';', '\'', 'enter'},
  {'shift', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', '/', 'shift', 'up', 'rctrl'},
  {'lctrl', 'fn', 'sys', 'lalt', 'space', 'ralt', 'fn', 'pn', 'left', 'down', 'right'},

local scene = {}

local background = tag('rect', {width="100%", height="100%", fill="#ddd", stroke="black"})
table.insert(scene, background)

for row=1, #layout do
  x = unit
  for col=1, #layout[row] do

    local rect = tag('rect', {x=x+halfspace,

    table.insert(scene, rect)

    local sizetext = tag('text', {x=x+doublespace,
                                  style='font-size: ' .. fontsize .. 'px'},

    table.insert(scene, sizetext)

    if keys[row] and keys[row][col] then
      local keytext = tag('text', {x=x+doublespace,
                                  style='font-size: ' .. fontsize .. 'px'},

      table.insert(scene, keytext)

    x = x + (layout[row][col]*unit)

-- Keyboard is 15 units by 5 units (+1 each side for padding)
print(tag('svg', {width=(unit*17), height=(unit*7)}, scene))

SVG Output

1esc111213141516171819101-1=1\1BS1.5tab1q1w1e1r1t1y1u1i1o1p1[1]1.5del1.75caps1a1s1d1f1g1h1j1k1 l1;12.25enter2shift1z1x1c1v1b1n1m1,1.1/1shift1up1rctrl1.25lctrl1fn1sys1.25lalt4.5space1ralt1fn1pn1left1down1right

Posted on

LuaJIT Benchmarks

I’ve been playing with Lua a little bit recently and was interested in getting an idea of the performance difference between Lua 5.3 and LuaJIT. (The LuaJIT website has very good page covering benchmarks. I just wanted to play around myself). Like the LuaJIT page I picked a few example programs from The Computer Language Benchmarks Game. Programs were run on a AMD-6300FX running Windows 8.

nbody.lua-4.lua 50000000

Version Elapsed time (s) Kernel time (s) User time (s) Working set (KB)
lua53 469.36 0.05 467.05 2,356
luajit203 26.28 0.00 26.20 2,504
luajit21 26.31 0.00 26.25 2,512

fannkuchredux.lua 12

Version Elapsed time (s) Kernel time (s) User time (s) Working set (KB)
lua53 1717.53 0.14 1710.78 2,284
luajit203 105.33 0.00 105.16 2,528
luajit21 106.06 0.00 105.91 2,536

spectralnorm.lua 5500

Version Elapsed time (s) Kernel time (s) User time (s) Working set (KB)
lua53 199.65 0.03 199.38 2,864
luajit203 4.89 0.00 4.88 2,724
luajit21 4.89 0.00 4.88 2,728

binarytrees.lua-2.lua 2

Version Elapsed time (s) Kernel time (s) User time (s) Working set (KB)
lua53 439.98 13.95 423.66 1,072,400
luajit203 78.34 2.22 75.86 928,076
luajit21 77.92 1.75 75.91 811,984

Summary Relative increase in speed over Lua 5.3.

Benchmark lua53 luajit203 luajit2
nbody.lua-4.lua 50000000 1.00 17.83 17.79
fannkuchredux.lua 12 1.00 16.27 16.15
spectralnorm.lua 5500 1.00 40.86 40.86
binarytrees.lua-2.lua 20 1.00 5.58 5.58

Posted on

Needless Abuse of Lua

So, this is pretty awful. Cool too. Bust mostly awful.


local function setoptions(f)
    local options = {}
    local currentname = nil
    local env = setmetatable({},
        __index = function(self, method)
            if method == 'set' then
                return function(name)
                    if currentname ~= nil then
                        error('need to call "to" first')
                    currentname = name
            elseif method == 'to' then
                return function(value)
                    if currentname == nil then
                        error('need to call "set" before "to"')
                    options[currentname] = value
                    currentname = nil
            elseif method == 'enable' then
                return function(name)
                    options[name] = true

    -- close enough to fsetenv
    load(string.dump(f), nil, nil, env)()

    return options

local function pptable(t)
    for k,v in pairs(t) do
        print(k, '=', v)

-- Cool way
local options = setoptions(function()
    set "port" to "8080"
    set "listen" to ""
    enable "debug"


-- Boring way
options = {port='8080', listen='', debug=true}



debug	=	true
port	=	8080
listen	=

debug	=	true
port	=	8080
listen	=

Posted on

Useless Lua Code

Got a hex dump of some firmware which was in kinda an odd format (offsets, data, checksum(maybe?) in hexadecimal ascii text). Wrote a small script to dump the printable characters. Not really interesting.


local function readsection(f)
    local colon = f:read(1)
    if colon == nil then return nil end
    if colon ~= ':' then error('section did not start with colon') end
    local data = ''
    while true do
        local char = f:read(1)
        if(char:byte() == 13) then
            f:read(1) -- eat cr
            return data
        data = data .. char

local function decodecharacter(c)
    if c:len() ~= 1 then error('must be single character') end
    local map = {['0']=0, ['1']=1, ['2']=2, ['3']=3, ['4']=4, ['5']=5, ['6']=6,
                 ['7']=7, ['8']=8, ['9']=9, A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15}
    return map[c]

local function decodepair(s)
    if s:len() ~= 2 then error('must be two characters in length') end
    return (decodecharacter(s:sub(1,1)) * 16) + decodecharacter(s:sub(2,2))

local function decodesection(s)
    local offset = {}
    local data = {}

    -- todo: last two chars = checksum(offset+data)?
    for i=1, s:len(), 2 do
        local pair = s:sub(i, i+1)
        local value = decodepair(pair)

        if i <= 8 then
            table.insert(offset, value)
            table.insert(data, value)
    return offset, data

local function safeprintdata(data)
    local chars = {}
    for index, byte in ipairs(data) do
        if byte >= 32 and byte <= 126 then
            table.insert(chars, string.char(byte))
            table.insert(chars, '.')
    return table.concat(chars)

local f = io.open('P2008-V-02.08.02.hex', 'rb')

while true do
    line = readsection(f)
    if line == nil then break end
    local offset, data = decodesection(line)
    print(string.format('%-42s  %s', line, safeprintdata(data)))


102170005B204D317878205D2020000000000000B9  [ M1xx ]  .......
102180005B204D313133205D202000000000000035  [ M113 ]  ......5
10219000562D30322E30382E3032202000000000F4  V-02.08.02  .....
1021A00028632920616C6973746172207379737478  (c) alistar systx
1021B000656D732C20323030312D32303132202099  ems, 2001-2012  .

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